Foxtale Brand Teardown

Foxtale Brand Teardown

Introducing our latest brand teardown series! Let’s analyze some of the newest and most exciting brands looking at what they do well and what could be improved.  Today, we take a closer look at Foxtale, an up-and-coming skincare brand that’s been making waves in the beauty industry. 

Foxtale brand teardown

The Good

Backed by Research

Foxtale has developed its brand by focusing on real issues and formulating solutions that work. The latter part is of utmost importance as many beauty brands make several claims (usually as marketing tactics) that rarely deliver.

By launching products rooted in research and only after 99% assurance of visible results (claimed by the brand) Foxtale automatically positions itself at a higher pedestal than its competitors. 

Beautiful Packing

Shoppers purchase through their eyes and a beautifully packaged item is much likelier to draw attention than one that blends in. Foxtale puts out some beautifully packaged products in a variety of bright colors making the user want to collect them all. 

Foxtale skincare products

Image Source:


On its website, Foxtale narrates a wonderful story about its brand that makes the user invested and happy to purchase products. They are very transparent about the ingredients used – similar to many brands who have learned of its importance in recent years. 

Amazing Offers

Foxtale puts up some great discounts compelling the shopper to purchase immediately. From buy 2 get 2, to buy 2 for the price of 1, these offers pave the way for building a large and loyal customer base. 

The Poor

Website Interface

Bad by no means, the website lacks oomph. While functional, it doesn’t captivate the user with its sleek interface and interactive features that grab your undivided attention.  


The colorful products and website branding seem to have a disconnect. While the images are beautiful, the rest of the website isn’t cohesive and lacks the same appeal. 

Final Thoughts on Foxtale

In a short time, Foxtale has created a lasting impression on its customers. Their story, vision, and beautiful lineup have made them the go-to skincare brand for a large audience.

An interesting observation: At first glance, Foxtale looks awfully similar to DrunkElephant launched in 2012. 

Next week, we’ll analyze its story to see if there truly are any similarities and how Drunk Elephant became a cult favorite in just a decade. 

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