e-commerce metrics

Essential E-Commerce Metrics Every Business Should Track: A Checklist

E-commerce today has transitioned from being a mere option to an indispensable strategy for businesses aiming to maintain their edge. 

The triumph of an e-commerce venture hinges not just on product quality or a captivating website but on a slew of tangible metrics. With several tools providing e-commerce analytics, it’s easier to get an idea of your products and business performance online. 

When monitored and leveraged appropriately, these metrics can powerfully propel a business towards enhanced growth and profitability.

These metrics offer insights into customer behavior, website performance, and overall business health. Having a comprehensive checklist can be invaluable for businesses seeking to make data-driven decisions. 

Here’s a curated list of essential e-commerce metrics that every online business should be monitoring:

E-Commerce Metric Checklist for Business Success

Image Source: Tresl Segments 

1. Website Traffic:

Understanding the number of visitors arriving at your site is foundational. This metric gives a direct insight into your marketing efforts and your brand’s online visibility.

Breakdown: Monitor sources of traffic (organic, paid, referral, direct, and social) to understand which channels are the most effective.

2. Conversion Rate:

It’s not enough to have visitors; they need to take actions that contribute to your business goals.

Breakdown: Track conversion rates for different actions like sign-ups, purchases, or newsletter subscriptions. If the rate is low, assess your site’s usability or the clarity of your call to action.

3. Average Order Value (AOV):

Knowing the average amount customers spend can help forecast revenue and formulate pricing strategies.

Breakdown: Boost AOV by introducing upselling, cross-selling, or offering bundle deals.

4. Cart Abandonment Rate:

A high cart abandonment rate can be a sign of friction in the checkout process or unexpected costs.

Breakdown: Consider streamlining the checkout process, providing transparent pricing, and offering multiple payment options.

5. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV):

Understanding the net profit from a customer throughout their relationship with your business is crucial for budgeting and long-term planning.

Breakdown: Invest in customer loyalty programs and personalized marketing to increase your CLV

E-Commerce Metric Checklist for Business Success

Image Source: BigCommerce 

6. Customer Retention Rate:

Returning customers are a sign of a healthy e-commerce business. They often spend more and can become advocates for your brand.

Breakdown: Use email marketing, loyalty programs, and exceptional customer service to keep customers coming back.

7. Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS):

For every dollar spent on advertising, how much are you earning in return? This metric ensures your advertising budget is being used effectively.

Breakdown: Regularly assess and optimize your ad campaigns based on performance.

8. Product Page Views:

The popularity of certain product pages can provide insights into market trends and customer preferences.

Breakdown: Utilize this data for inventory management and promotional campaigns.

9. Bounce Rate:

If visitors leave after viewing only one page, it could indicate issues with content quality, page load times, or website design.

Breakdown: Optimize landing pages, enhance site speed, and ensure your content is engaging.

10. Net Promoter Score (NPS):

This metric gauges customer satisfaction and loyalty by asking one simple question: How likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?

Breakdown: Address feedback from detractors promptly and leverage promoters as brand ambassadors.


Monitoring these essential e-commerce metrics offers businesses a 360-degree view of their performance. 

These metrics can be essential for brands just starting out or for businesses looking to revamp their operations. 

42Signals helps brands, old and new, with data to help them analyze their, the products, and the competitor’s behavior on online marketplaces. 

To know more about 42Signals, visit our pricing page

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